A blank piece of paper.
Watercolors, acrylic paints, markers, crayons, and inks.
Brushes, palette knives, cardstock, string, and a variety of tools ready to be used.
The excitement of a new project!
This all feels like yesterday and I can't believe we've wrapped up another 100 Day Project!
For this year's project, I took last year's premise--make 1 mark a day on the same canvas/paper for 100 days--and added a new twist to it: color! It was a big leap out of my comfort zone to do this but it was really fun to just commit and go all in!

One new thing I added this year was having prompts (which you can use/find here). Before the project began I came up with a list of 100 words that I would randomly pick each day as a source of inspiration or theme for that day's mark. The words I chose were ones that I felt could be interpreted in many different ways. I took some ideas from last year's techniques, tried to think of things that would make sense for an art project, and also added some that might be a little bit more challenging. I really loved starting each day with picking a prompt and then deciding how I would interpret it!
I've been documenting every single mark for all 100 days on my social media! If you'd like to check it out, you can find them on my TikTok (there's a playlist for it) and Instagram.
I also made a few recap videos:
Days 11-25: Why do 1 stroke everyday for 100 days?
Days 1-50: The best creative advice I've heard
Days 1-75: What does creativity mean to you?
100 Day Project reflections: colors and comfort zones
And here were some of my favorite marks...it was hard to pick just a few! :)

Day 2 Music - Painted to Joe Hisaishi - Ashitaka and San
Day 12 Random - Rubber band
Day 18 Sounds - Popped a balloon
Day 24 Earth - Rocks and watercolors
Day 35 Borrow - Ice and acrylics, part 1 and part 2
Day 37 Drag - Ball and chain
Day 54 Kitchen - Used turmeric to make paint
Day 61 Word - "Create" on a paper towel roll
Day 64 Turn - Soda can tab
Day 93 Ask For Help - Valentine helped me :)
Now that my project is complete, I'm in the process of turning it into a print! At the time of writing this post, it is currently available for pre-order and should be shipping in about a week, the second week of June. If you're interested, you can learn more and place an order here! I can' wait to send these out to their new homes!
So what's next? I was definitely planning on participating in the official 100 Day Project again next year but something unexpected happened! The idea of doing a 100 day collage was suggested to me and my initial thought was YES!! I feel like when you have such a strong reaction you have to go with it so after a week long ish break, I have started another project-- the 100 Day Project: Collage Edition! I've been sharing on TT and IG and hope to post about it as well. I hope you'll follow along! Here's day 1 and I'm currently on day 5!
If you're interested in starting your own 100 day project, I highly recommend trying it out! If you want to make your own version of my project, 100 marks on a canvas/paper, you are welcome to do so! Please just be sure to tag and credit me if you're posting on social media on one of your posts.