1. Plan ahead of time.
Do all the planning and set up before you begin your 100 day project. This way, each day can be dedicated to the action you want to take and there's less of a barrier to starting.
2. Break it up.
Think of it as sets of 25 days or 10 days instead of 100. Focus on each day and trying to get to the end of the set. 100 days may seem daunting but 25 or 10 days is attainable!
3. Create different themes throughout your project.
Another way to break things up is having different themes which can also help provide guidance and inspiration. If your project allows for it, try grouping days/weeks into different themes. For example if your goal is to paint for 100 days, you can break it down into 4 themes, 25 days each: abstract, floral, portraits, animals.
4. What sounds fun and exciting to you?
Pick something you find interesting, that excites you! It's normal to hit lulls throughout but I find that this really helps keep the momentum and motivation going. If you have a few ideas, run through them and see which one you have the biggest reaction to, I think that's the one you should say yes to!
5. It's OK to switch gears.
Maybe you started off really excited but once you got into it, you realized the project topic wasn't for you. It's OK to change your project. Don't force it--I feel like that guarantees that you won't finish and you also won't be enjoying it!
6. Set up a dedicated work space for your project.
If you only need your laptop, this one might not apply but for other projects--especially visual arts--I think this one is so important! Having a space that's always ready for you to work (even if it's just a corner of your desk or part of the dining table) makes it so much easier to not waste any time and get right to it each day. You can also have your camera stand or lights set up so that documenting it is easy and consistent too. If you get messy, I highly recommend cleaning up after you're done so you're already set for the following day.
7. It's OK to start your 100 days at any time.
There is an official start date that is hosted by The100DayProject.org. For 2023 is Feb 22nd. If you aren't able to start that day for whatever reason, it's OK to start later! I'm actually going to be out of town this year and decided the easiest thing for me will be to start in mid-March.
8. It's OK to miss some days.
There is a lot of magic in consistency and momentum so I recommend trying your best to work for 100 consecutive days but also, things happen, life happens! If for whatever reason you miss a day/some days, it's OK! Pick up again when you can! You know yourself best and if adding this to your plate is stressful or you feel uninspired, it's OK to take some time off. For my collage, I took weeks off in between because of the holidays and not feeling inspired. Once I started back up, it felt right and the ideas started flowing again!
9. Visually document the process & track your progress.
Even if you don't plan on sharing the photos with anyone else, document the process of your project--it'll be fun to look back on and it's pretty amazing to remember the different stages your project has gone through. Take a photo of your painting after each day, snap a pic of the stack of pages you've written, document what your desk looks like after each day of work. (And just like tip 6, if you can set up a dedicated place to take photos, it'll help you remember to do this and make it quick and easy to do.)
Tracking your progress is also another fun thing to do throughout the 100 days--whether it's crossing off a box on your calendar or coloring a box in your tracker. It's cool to see how many days you've done and how many are left, and it can be really motivate and encourage you to keep going, especially on the days you might need a little extra push.
10. Use social media for accountability and community.
Don't feel like you have to post on social media, but I do find that it's a great way to keep yourself accountable and gives you a lot of content to share. I also highly recommend checking out the hashtag #the100dayproject and #dothe100dayproject to see what everyone else is doing. Comment on work that you connect with. I've met some wonderful and inspiring people this way, some I now consider friends!
BONUS: Enjoy the process!
It's pretty cool to work on a 100 day timeline, something most of us don't typically do! Let go of perfectionism, have fun, follow your excitement and curiosity, and see how it all unfolds :)
Will you be trying some of these tips on your 100 Day Project? If so, let me know what your project is and your social media handle if you'll be posting--I'd love to learn more!
If you'd like to see how my 2023 project unfolds, I'll be sharing what I do each day on Instagram and TikTok.