You're Signed Up!

You are signed up to receive Year of Marks monthly reminder emails! This will be a quick note to remind you to work on your project at the end of each month. 

You will not receive any other types of emails from me unless you're signed up for them. (If you'd like to, you can sign up for my regular newsletter, Atiliay Notes, here.)

Please add to your address book to make sure you don't miss any future communication that is headed your way!

I am so excited that you'll be creating a Year of Marks!


A Few Helpful Links


Share Your Project

I'd love to see how your project is coming along! You can email me photos and let me know how it's going or tag me on Instagram and TikTok.
If you publicly share this project, I'd really appreciate it if you kindly credit properly and tag me. It doesn't have to be every post, just the first one would be great! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!