10 Tips For Using Prompts In Your Creative Practice

Before we begin the Creative Spark Challenge, here are some suggestions and tips for interpreting prompts! (The last two tips apply to the Creative Spark Deck prompt cards which we will be using for the challenge.)
  1. What is your first reaction? What are you immediately drawn to? Sometimes that initial reaction is all we need to know exactly what we want to create! If you aren't sure or want to explore a little more, make a note of your first reaction or idea in case you want to circle back to it. (I think it's always a good idea to jot down any idea that jumps out at you so you don't forget it and can use it later!)

  2. How does it make you feel? Why?

  3. You don't have to take the prompt literally (if you don't want to). Think about it in a broader sense or in an abstract way.

  4. Consider what the opposites are and if any of those words / ideas have a stronger connection for you.

  5. Keep going-- start with the first thing that comes to mind and see what that leads you to then what that leads to until you really feel strongly about the subject that comes to mind. I also do this if I'm stuck and the prompt really isn't speaking to me. I ask myself what's next, what does this word / idea remind me of? Example: The prompt is cool. It makes me think of cool colors like light blue. That reminds me of water. It's winter now, so that reminds me of ice. Can I use ice in my piece? That idea sounds interesting and fun to me so I would stop there and go get some ice to work with :)

  6. Use more than one prompt Try combining a few or use as many as you can within one piece of artwork.

  7. There is no right or wrong answer! I think that's the beauty and magic of prompts--it's there to help us begin and it's up to us where we want to take it. One of my most favorite things is that we can all see the same word and come up with completely different things!

  8. With that being said, don't be afraid to try new things--experiment! Even if you think the idea you have won't work out, try it and see what happens (and it's ok if it doesn't work, at least now you know :)) I've popped a balloon with paint on it to make a mark, flicked paint covered rubber bands, used random objects as my paint brush, etc. Think outside the box and go with it! Be open to whatever you feel inspired to do. Be present, have fun, and enjoy your process, however it may unfold!

  9. How to use the pattern on the card as a prompt Each prompt card we'll be using has a pattern on the bottom corner. Try creating a full page version of it, repeating a small section of it, isolating one element in the pattern to replicate and use, or consider its characteristics (soft, detailed, funky, modern) and create your own pattern. 

  10. If you don't know which prompt to use, let the card alleviate decision fatigue for you! Take a look at the number in the spark and use the text prompt that coordinates with that number. You can also show the card to someone and have them pick for you.

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