Join Me For The Summer Sketchbook Un-Slump!

I never kept a sketchbook until last summer. I gifted it to myself after deciding I really wanted to paint, play, and create more--like I did when I was a kid! These blank pages seemed like the perfect place to begin doing that again--a home for messiness, FUN, experimentation, imperfection, ideas, and so much more--all bound together in a neat little package. 
This sketchbook turned out to be everything I imaged it could be--and SO MUCH MORE.
Instead of thinking about wanting to paint, I was actually doing it. 
Instead of spending more time than I should scrolling on social media and feeling guilty about it, I was making space and time for something that actually should be a priority and made me happy. 
Instead of feeling the summer slumps and getting bummed this time of year was slow for my biz, I felt inspired and had fun!
Even though I wasn't doing this to create products, it was still valuable (and maybe even more valuable than if I was) both in my personal journey and my journey as an artist.
As we welcome another summer into our lives, it reminded me of my 1 year anniversary with this sketchbook :) It was such an awesome experience that I wanted to find a way to share it with you and it was on the way home from a walk with Valentine recently that I got an idea of how I could do that!
I am very excited to invite you to join me for the Summer Sketchbook Un-Slump, a free 5 week email series to help inspire and encourage creativity and exploration in the pages of our sketchbooks! 
   A week 0 email will go out July 1st to help us get prepped, go over what you may need, etc.


Each week you'll receive a prompt along with ideas and examples to help you fill up a page--or pages--in your sketchbook.
  • This is for creators of all ages and a variety of mediums. While I'll be using paper/a sketchbook, the prompts can be applied to a different art forms including clay, sculpture, and more.
  • This is for you if you want to spend more time creating and less time on screens.
  • This is for you whether you're in a creative slump or not.
  • This is for you if you find meaning and joy in working with your hands.
  • Take and use what parts speaks to you, work at your own pace, and enjoy the process.
I hope to see you in your inboxes and start creating together! Click here to sign up!
PS: If you sign up after the start date, don't worry! You'll get links to all prior emails and can go through it on your own time.
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